After starting to enter photographic salons a couple of years ago at both at home and abroad, I finally got my act together and sent in the paperwork detailing 40 acceptances with 15 images in 8 different countries (there are more criteria for the AFIAP, check them out here) and as a result I was awarded the AFIAP (Artiste FIAP) from the International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) this year.
The official ceremony was held in the Eddie Chandler Gallery, Irish FIAP Exhibition Centre based at the Dublin Camera Club premises on Lower Camden Street in Dublin on the 8th June 2019.
An exhibition featuring photographs from all the award winners will be open to the public over the next four weeks at the Eddie Chandler Gallery at the Dublin Camera Club premises each Saturday from 11am to 5pm.
You can see my submitted images to FIAP in my portfolio here.
Altogether 27 Irish photographers were honoured at the ceremony all receiving various awards ranging from the AFIAP all the way through up to MFIAP (Congratulations Judy Boyle MFIAP!) and with Bill Power formally receiving his MPSA (Master of the Photographic Society of America) award; he has now become the only photographer on the island of Ireland to gain such an honour.
If you want to find out more about entering salons check out the IPF website where you’ll be able to contact FIAP Liaison officer, Paul Stanley or use the contact form on my website to drop me a line.