Julie Corcoran Photography

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Going Clubbing

My presentation, ‘Looking for Light, Igniting Creativity’, which I’ve optimised for delivering on Zoom!

Going Clubbing

Three clubs this week - judging for Raheny Camera Club on Monday night, attending my own club (Boyne Valley Photographic club) meeting Thursday night and on Friday evening I delivered my presentation ‘Looking for Light, Igniting Creativity’  to the members of Bangor and North Down Camera Club.

It was lovely to get the invitation to return to Raheny Camera Club and I really enjoyed my first visit to Bangor and North Down Camera Club. 

The Benefits of Zoom

 I’ve noticed a big improvement in how clubs have adjusted to meetings over Zoom in the past year; the clubs I’m visiting virtually have all embraced the technology and foresee a blend of in-person and zoom meetings for their club calendars post covid restrictions. 

It’s clear the benefits of improved accessibility for members with disabilities or members who are care givers are too great to abandon Zoom completely once we’re permitted to meet in person again and I’m delighted to see that. 

Clubs have also told me the cost benefit of not having to pay travel expenses allows for an interesting and diverse club calendar as speakers/judges can theoretically Zoom from anywhere in the world. The potential for improved diversity in camera clubs is something I’m looking forward to seeing. 


 Congratulations to the fifteen members of Boyne Valley Club who gained 142 acceptances, 8 honourable mentions and two golds at the Zoomin International Photographic Salon this week. 

This was the first time some members had entered an international photographic salon and I just love the inclusivity and support the club has for its members. 

Some brief notes I provided for attendees.


 Adobe Lightroom Classic® for artists 

 This week I was also asked to give a basic introduction Lightroom Classic on Wednesday evening to members of AAEX (Arts as Exchange), looking specifically at how I use Lightroom to organise my photographs along with basic edits suitable for artists who need to photograph their work accurately for selling/exhibiting online. 

I enjoy working with different groups as the information exchange can work both ways. 

My plan for 2021 was always to engage more with fellow photographers/artists and I’m looking forward to continuing this process into the future. 

 AAEX Postcard Exchange Project 

 This was a lovely, uplifting project to get involved with fellow members of AAEX. We had permission to use words from a poem called ‘Still’ by Feli Speaks. With these words we illustrated postcards and posted them to each other. You can read the full AAEX blog post here


I’ve been asked to specifically grow the Irish photography community on Clubhouse. If you’re interested, get in touch.