I paid another virtual visit in good company this morning (Tuesday evening local time) to Canberra Photographic Society. Ger, Jeanie and myself gave presentations on our work to a chilly gathering of Canberrans enduring winter temperatures akin to a decent summer’s day here in Ireland.
Although it’s very hard to tell if your bad jokes are gaining groans or eye rolls over Zoom; the questions and fabulous feedback we received made up for the eery quiet of talking through distinction panels while in a pair of shorts on the other side of the world enjoying similar temperatures.
In the afternoon I corrected three tiny things on the book proof which took all of thirty seconds. We probably could have left them in; one was an accidental space left before a full stop in my biography bit - but we had time to correct them before signing off on the book proof so Fidel and myself took the opportunity to ensure ‘Time’ is as close to perfect as we can manage.
The August edition of the Irish Photographic Federation’s monthly newsletter went out with a really lovely interview with me about the book which you can read here, thank you Liam.
Another interview was also published this morning in the Arts section of our local paper the Anglo Celt. Intrepid reporter, Damian McCarney managed to distil all our excitement about the book into a very well put together article, which, for those of you not lucky enough to live in the catchment area to buy the print edition, will be able to access online next week (I’ll amend this bit to include the link when I have it).
Tyre’s checked (the less I’ve used the car over lockdown, the more my tyres seem to be giving me trouble?) and back on the road today.
Last week I signed six limited edition prints and now they’re framed and ready to be collected from Gavin of Frametastic.
I am very lucky I can get my authentic Digigraphie limited edition prints so close to home and enroute to ArtisAnn Gallery in Belfast, their destination today. You can find my new limited edition prints at ArtisAnn by clicking here.
I made it home with an hour to spare before hosting a Zoom meeting as my role as secretary for the IPF North East Region. Ross McKelvey MPAGB, MFIAP, FIPF, EFIAP/p, FBPE of Catchlight Camera Club in Belfast gave an excellent presentation over Zoom of his work along with Adobe Photoshop® tips and tricks.
With 69 participants representing at least 11 clubs from the region it was huge success and something we really want to try and organise again to help support clubs and their members over the coming 2020/21 season.
Spent the morning catching up on emails, saw a link for the Sony Alpha virtual ‘Kando Universe’ event I had registered for looking for people to submit their portfolios for review; I thought I might as well, so clicked the link.
Called over to Janet, a fellow photographer, for a socially distanced afternoon in her garden talking props, shoot ideas etc it was nice to unwind for a bit. Thanks Jan, sorry I didn’t drink the coffee with all my yapping.
Took some shots for this week’s challenge (Theme: Grounded; Challenge: Use the outdoors).
Got an amazing email from a prominent Dublin bookshop looking to stock our book, will release more details in the coming week, but I can tell we said yes!
Got another amazing email from Sony to say my portfolio had been selected for review by Brooke Shaden live on air along with two other very talented female photographers. The whole eight minutes are recorded on my phone and I will treasure it.
Brooke Shaden reviewing my portfolio as part of the Sony Alpha Universe, Kando Everywhere virtual conference.
To get feedback like that is precious, to hear what someone else sees in your work is so beneficial. I am increasingly indebted to Brooke and her boundless support for artists worldwide and big thanks to Sony for making this conference virtual possible.
I’m writing this blog post to preserve for posterity what a busy week this was. I have my new image to edit and photographs to look through and give feedback (judge) for the Dungannon/Cookstown Camera Club Annual Exhibition, which I’m doing over Zoom next Wednesday.
I think I may need a PA or something if this continues; applications can be sent to my PA.