My New Bó

My New Bó

Building on my arts residency earlier this year at Creative Spark, I decided to keep the momentum going by applying for a studio space at Bó Studios which is funded and supported by An Táin Arts Centre, Dundalk, Co. Louth.

Founded in 2020, Bó was the brainchild of ceramicist, Etaoin O’Reilly who was completing her arts residency at An Táin at the time and discovered a need for studio spaces in the town. I first met Etaoin at Creative Spark when she was giving her pottery workshops and her energy and passion for the arts is inspiring. Along with founding members David Callan, Blathnaid McClean and Olivia Hill, who has since moved on from the studios, Bó Studios was established.

Workshop Space at Bó

Moving in to my new Bó studio

Alongside my digital prints which I produce for galleries, I’ll be using my studio to develop my alternative photography art practice, specifically in the area of cyanotypes and silkscreen prints. Exploring different techniques and materials in response to the heroine’s journey.

I’ll also have the opportunity and space to run workshops too from a town centre location.

It will also be a great base for connecting with curators and co-collaborators (Mo Chara is a couple of doors down, just saying).

Upcoming Exhibitions

There is a real collective vibe to the studios and being part of that energy is really exciting. Along with preparing work for the 2020 Print Exchange and Creative Spark Print Studio exhibition in the Autumn. I’ll have the annual Open Studio & Exhibition for Culture Night on Friday 20th September from 6pm – 9pm at Bó Studios, 6 Jocelyn Street and a collective exhibition in the Basement Gallery at An Táin in February 2025, which will feature work from all ten members.

Bó Studios is funded and supported by An Táin Arts Centre, The Arts Council of Ireland / An Chomhairle Ealaíon and Create Louth, the Arts Office of Louth County Council For more information on each of the artists visit